Monday, March 9, 2009

Tango Time

What I'm reading today? Well, not much! As I'm working to catch up after a late night flight back from the fly meeting. I am trying to make time for this one:

Saito et al. (2009) TANGO1 facilitates cargo loading at edoplasmic reticulum exit sites. Cell 136:891-902. Of technical note, includes collagen secretion and metabolic assay read-outs after siRNA treatment of mammalian cells.

It's a lovely follow-up on a paper that describes screen data obtained at the DRSC, Bard et al. (2006) Functional genomics reveals genes involved in protein secretion and Golgi organization. Nature 439:604-607.

If you were at the meeting, hope that like me you enjoyed it and learned much. Abstracts available as downloadable PDFs at the ADRC website (see "Complete Volume" and "Program Adendum").

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